
High Life


High life PROJECTs

CHAMPAGNE Bottle Launch

Art Direction + Design

I spearheaded the seasonal promotion campaign for the launch of the 750ml Champagne bottle and Champagne Bucket for both on and off-premise locations. One key aspect of this project was designing and working with a glass manufacture to create the now-iconic highlife coupe glass, an item that adds an element of elegance to the project.

As the Art Director, I oversaw the creation of point-of-sale displays and promotional material. My focus was on ensuring a cohesive and compelling visual representation of our brand, enhancing the overall appeal of our products and promotion. The successful implementation of this campaign underscored the value of effective design and strategic planning in product marketing.



A classic pair

Art Direction + Design

In close collaboration with our strategy team, we conceived a seasonal promotion centered on a classic pair: the effervescence of High Life and the warm strength of whiskey. This insightful concept was manifested in an on-premise program that promoted the pairing of a whiskey shot and High Life beer.

The success of this campaign was ultimately rooted in the natural compatibility of these two beverages, which resonate with a broad spectrum of consumers. I art directed the visual ID for this campaign, ensuring that our branding was consistent and compelling across all media outlets. This project showcased the power of creative strategy and aesthetic coherence in successful marketing campaigns.




Art Direction + Design

Tasked with a mission to entice patrons to enjoy their time at the bar longer during the chilly winter months, and to favor High Life over competing options, we had to devise a creative yet budget-friendly strategy. The answer lay in merging two American classics - High Life and Bicycle playing cards.

We created a custom pack of High Life Bicycle playing cards, a covetable item sure to appeal to our customers. When customers ordered a bucket of High Life at the bar, they received a pack of these cards as a complimentary gift, making their winter bar experience cozier and more engaging.

My ACD Sarah and I were responsible for the design of the cards. Whether customers were playing Go Fish, Rummy, or Blackjack, these cards added a layer of enjoyment to their High Life experience. Ultimately, their appeal was so strong that patrons desired to take them home - a testament to their cool factor and successful integration into our branding strategy.



Happier Hour

Art Direction + Design

High Life has officially decided to extend the beloved Happy Hour. In alignment with this initiative, I designed an on-premise piece, a new Marquee sign, that was placed strategically behind the bar to promote and activate 'Happier Hour'.

The marquee, embodying the spirit of High Life, featured the iconic Girl on the Moon graphic. As Happier Hour began, the sign would light up, unveiling this memorable design, thus enhancing the atmosphere and signaling the commencement of an extended period of enjoyment for High Life patrons. This inventive visual cue served to create a more engaging and memorable Happy Hour experience.
